First Street Family Dental
Sedation Dentistry
Dental Services
Sedation Dentistry
If you suffer from dental anxiety, you may benefit from sedation. We offer IV sedation, nitrous oxide sedation, and oral sedation at our sister clinic, Heritage Dental.
IV Sedation Dentistry
IV sedation can help alleviate severe anxiety and reduce the gag reflex commonly experienced during dental treatments. With IV sedation, the medication is delivered directly into the veins and works quickly.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry
Nitrous Oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a safe and effective way to reduce anxiety during dental procedures. It takes effect quickly and wears off fast, making it ideal if you need to drive yourself home.
Oral Sedation
For oral sedation, you’ll be instructed to take an oral pill an hour before your procedure. Oral sedation has an amnesiac effect and can help you relax completely during your treatment. The effects last several hours, so you’ll need someone to accompany you to and from your appointment.
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