First Street Family Dental

Teeth Extractions

Dental Services

Teeth Extractions in Orangeville

When a tooth has decayed significantly and cannot be saved, a tooth extraction may be necessary. In the case of wisdom tooth removal, this procedure is common when newly erupted teeth are poorly formed or cause crowding in the mouth.

What Is the Tooth Extraction Procedure?

Your dentist will first administer a local anesthetic for your comfort. They then loosen the tooth from the socket using an elevator and remove the tooth using forceps. The procedure is fairly quick, but if you suffer from dental anxiety, talk to us today.

Care After An Extraction

After the procedure, gauze will be placed on the extraction site; it is recommended to bite down on the gauze for several hours to minimize any bleeding. Over-the-counter pain medication can be taken to alleviate any discomfort, and you should only eat soft foods during the initial days following treatment.

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