First Street Family Dental

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Services

Cosmetic Dentistry in Orangeville

Having a confident smile is important; if you feel self-conscious about your teeth because they are chipped, crooked, or discoloured, we can help. We offer cosmetic dentistry procedures to enhance the look of your teeth.

Hollywood Smile

A Hollywood Smile makeover includes several treatments to enhance the look of your smile. They include crowns, dental implants, veneers, teeth whitening, and clear aligners. If you’d like to know more about our Hollywood Smile makeover, talk to us today.

young woman with nice teeth
woman smiling at dentist

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-coloured cap that is used to cover teeth that are damaged or severely decayed. A dental crown is recommended as a restorative procedure that enhances your smile and restores the functionality of your teeth.

Teeth Whitening

If you are not getting the results you had hoped for with whitening toothpaste, a whitening kit may be a better option. These kits are designed to be used at home and are a great way to whiten your teeth so you can enjoy a more confident smile.

teeth whitening shades
woman smiling at dentist

Dental Veneers

If you have chipped, worn, or stained teeth that are visible in the front of your mouth, a dental veneer could be the solution for you. A veneer is a cosmetic shell that can be bonded to an existing tooth. Your dentist will make sure that the veneer matches the colour of your surrounding teeth to ensure it has a natural look.


Lumineers are a type of veneer that is used to cover the surface of the tooth. They are ideal for patients who have chipped, broken, or slightly discoloured teeth. Lumineers offer several advantages over veneers; they are thinner than traditional veneers, so require less preparation and are easier to fit.

couple at home laughing

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